A stroke of luck
I am so excited to tell you about a new source of seeds that I just discovered. It was almost by accident that I ran into one of the owners of Prairie Road Organic Seed today. I was traveling home from two days in Bismarck and Dickinson and decided to check on some friends who had tables at the Winter Show in Valley City. Around the corner from one of my friends’ tables was Prairie Road Organic Seed. That very morning a table opened up so that they could be at the show. On a different day, with just a small change in someone’s plans, I never would have known this seed company even existed.
Why these seeds?
I advocate for sustainable living. Sustainable living means we buy locally whenever possible, use organic foods and support heirloom or open-pollinated seeds in our gardens. All three of these come together in Prairie Road Organic Seeds. They have been producing and selling organic seed for other catalogs for about 35 years and just this year they expanded their business to sell directly to the consumer. Prairie Road Organic is a family run business, where parents and grandparents are mentoring the next generation in the art and science of gardening and seed saving. They sell seeds that have been developed and grown right here in ND.

Living in the upper-midwest, it can be a little tricky finding seed varieties that will grow in our short growing season. Prairie Road Organics offers only the seeds that have proven reliable in our climate and short growing season. That’s another reason to support local businesses—they know best how to meet the needs that are unique to your area.

My favorite tomato
As you know, Amish Paste is my very favorite tomato for sauce and salsa. Prairie Road Organics has selected seeds from their Amish Paste strains to be crack resistant and for earlier production. With our sometimes erratic summer rains and short growing season, these are both very important traits for successful tomato growing in our area.
They also have onion seeds that will grow and mature well in our area and are good storage onions.
I love these seed packets
I know, I know–you should never judge a book by its cover, but I have to admit I have a weakness for covers. And I really like PRO’s vintage-looking seed packets. It’s a visual reminder of simpler times, when a farming and a connection to the earth governed so much of everything we do. I reminds me that I am buying seeds that go back generations, carefully saved each year to bring good taste to my family.

A family run business, locally owned, developing seeds unique for our area, all organic and heirloom and they’ve signed the Safe Seed Pledge. Who could ask for more from a seed company?
I placed my order online on Sunday, they emailed me on Monday to say they were having a Buy Three Get a Fourth One Free and which seed would I like for my free one. I told them and today, on Wednesday I received my seeds. Now that’s service.