What is Provident Living?
Provident Living is seeing abundance in your daily life and putting aside a portion of the abundance for a future time of need. It includes concepts such as stewardship, sustainability, frugality, gratitude, food storage, preparedness, homemaking, self-reliance, contentment and happiness. All of those ideas wrapped into a daily (or sort-of daily) lifestyle.
What We Do at PHC
Provident living isn’t an event; it’s a process. The idea is to evaluate where you are now and work towards a goal–your goal of Provident Living. Don’t try to do it all in one year. Take baby steps. Don’t obsess with the destination of “preparedness” (I don’t think there is such a place, anyway.) Enjoy the path to a provident lifestyle.
Every month I will give two goals that you should try to work on. Maybe you’ll only do one of the two—that’s fine. I try to find goals that are appropriate to the season, but they might not be what you need to do at that very moment. That’s OK, too. Just try to do a little bit each month. If you don’t make progress this month, don’t get discouraged! Just resolve to pick up where you left off the next month. Believe me, I get sidetracked a lot as well. And since the goals are often season-driven, we are sure to revisit the same or similar goals next year.
I’m still learning. I’m still trying to improve what I know and how to better use it. We’ll work on this together. I’ll tell you what’s worked for me (and what hasn’t!) and hopefully you’ll tell me what’s working for you or how I can better help you. I’d like to be your Provident Home Companion.
Glad I found your blog! We are in Nd also (5 yrs now) so I’m sure a lot of your info will be helpful in our homesteading journey. I really like your article on “(Almost)Free Cold Frames”
I’m so glad to hear this. If you make any cold frames, I hope you’ll send pictures and tell me how they work for you.
Happy to be part of the group! Thanks for passing along your helpful experiences and tips!
What a great blog you have! I am looking forward to the green tomato cookbook. Am looking forward to more communications! Great Job!
Wonderful site. Looking forward to your posts!
So Happy to be here! Thanks for posting your experiences!
Great Blog. Interesting and educational.
You Rock Char!
I’m excited to learn!