There really is a difference between seed companies and this picture shows what quality seed looks like. The beet seeds on the left came from an organic heirloom seed company and the seeds on the right are beet seeds that I bought at a local big-box hardware store. See how much plumper the seeds on the left are?
Don’t just consider price
Yes, seeds from WalMart or the big box store may be cheaper than those from catalogs. In this case, the difference in price was about $1.50. But are you really getting your money’s worth?
This particular example came from Baker Seed, but I’ve seen the same noticeable difference in other quality seed sources. I usually only see this difference in the larger seeds like peas, beans and squash. This is the first time I saw a difference in a smaller seed and I found it very striking.
This is just one of many reasons that I prefer to get my seeds from a good seeds catalog.