Monthly Goals

Provident Living is a process: step by step making changes, learning new skills and implementing new principles into daily life.

Each month choose one or two goals that you want to work on or choose a goal that fits with your Preparedness plans.

If you follow these goals on a regular basis, at the end of the year you will find yourself better prepared for the crises that life is sure to throw at you.

This is the month of new beginnings and fresh perspective. The goals for this month will give you a good start to the year ahead.
Winter still has its grip on us and since this is a short month, this month's goals are quick and easy to accomplish.
Spring is around the corner, so it's time to get ready for the rush of summer fun!
It's not quite yet warm enough for outdoor work, so we'll work on preparedness projects indoors.
Spring is here! It's time to start working on all the outdoor Preparedness projects.
Make the most of warm summer days by expanding your Preparedness foundation.
With the first flush of garden produce, we'll start to preserve food and increase our food storage.
This month we begin preserving food. Since that can be a big project, the other goals are simpler and easier to accomplish.
Another busy month preserving food and getting the final touches on your food storage.
Winter is around the corner. This month we try to get ready for the worst that Mother Nature might dish out.
This season of abundance is a good time to put the finishing touches on your Preparedness goals.
This month focuses on family and celebrations.