May Goals
Start a Gardening Notebook
Since one of your goals this month is to start gardening, it’s also time to start keeping (or updating) a gardening notebook. Keep a record There’s a saying among scientists: the work’s not done until the paperwork’s done. Like a good scientist, a good gardener will want to keep a record of his/her gardening experience:…
Plant a garden by month’s end
Your goal this month is to plant a garden by the end of the month. Depending on where you live, you may have already been able to start planting cold-tolerant plants in March. But here in the upper Midwest, mid-April is the earliest we can expect to be in the garden and most of our…
Store Water
In times of emergency, water is an essential concern. Take precautions now and start storing water. Water is not only essential to good heath and hygiene, it is quite often the first thing to be affected by natural disaster. The water supply may be interrupted because of earthquake, tornado, flooding or extreme weather. Or water…