If you are buying turkey and onions, you’ve probably tossed lots of plastic net bags that. Don’t throw them away! They have lots of good uses.
Re-use the bags
The larger bags, like the ones covering your turkey, are good for storing garden produce next fall. The onions and garlic from your garden will store a long time if they are stored in a mesh bag and are kept in a cool room.
These larger mesh bags are also good for hanging up wet gloves in winter and swimsuits in the summer until they can dry. Or put bath toys in a mesh bag and hang them on a suction-cup hook that you attach to the shower wall
And the smaller bags?
The smaller bags, the kind that onions (and sometime oranges or tangerines) come in, have plenty of good uses. They have a finer, smaller mesh, so they tend to tear and snag more. But that also makes them a little easier to work with. My favorite use for the is as washing and scrubbing pads.
Here’s another easy re-purpose:
Make one of those poofy pad things for showering. All you need is s strong nylon string or fishing wire. Thread it through the mesh in a running stitch and pull it into a poofy pad. Tie the string up and cut off the excess ends. If the nylon string doesn’t want to stay knotted, try melting the knot with a lit match. Just be careful that you don’t melt the netting!

Pro tip: Put left-over soap slivers inside the folds of the bag before sewing together. Now you can use the last bit of your bar soap and create a self-sudsing body scrubber.
Wait! There’s more!
Make a pot scrubber. (picture on left, below) Cut the bag into a continuous long strip and use it like yarn. A 3-4″ diameter scrubber will take 3-4 onion bags. I use a 1/2″ diameter curtain ring for the center and using a simple single-crochet stitch, crochet a round pad. It’s a super durable scrubby. And it’s made of plastic, so you don’t have to worry about it ruining your non-stick surfaces.

OR make a kitchen scrubby cloth. This one (pictured above right) is part yarn, part mesh, so you can both wash and scrub with it. It makes a great cleaning tool for just about anything: dishes, counters, bathroom surfaces, etc. Just like you did for the scrubby above, cut the bag into a continuous strip. Then use your favorite knit or crochet a washcloth pattern to make a cloth, knitting a strand of cotton yarn with a strand of mesh “yarn” as you work the cloth. (This is the pattern I used for the cloth, but there are lots more.)
Save money and save the landfill: give those mesh bags a new purpose.