This is the season of coughs, colds and bugs. Take steps now to prevent winter bugs from taking you down and be prepared when they do.
Prevent illnesses:
- Wash your hands. Frequently. Most winter illnesses can be avoided with proper hand washing. And don’t rush. Wash with soap and running water, scrubbing for at least 30 seconds.

- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. These are high in the vitamins and minerals that will keep you healthy.
- Reduce stress and get plenty of rest. A tired body and stressed mind are more susceptible to illness.
- Get exercise, fresh air and sunshine. This is hard to do during the cold winter months but is essential for a healthy mind and body.
- Use probiotics regularly. Studies show that regularly eating foods rich in probiotics, (such as that found in live-culture yogurt) can reduce the chance of you catching a cold or flu by 27%. Other vitamins and supplements that may help prevent illness include Vitamin C, Vitamin D, echinacea, oregano oil, garlic and ginseng.
Be prepared for illnesses:
- Have a good supply of over-the-counter and home remedies.
- Make sure medical records are up to date and accessible.
- Have tissues and paper towels on hand to prevent the spread of disease.
- Check on elderly or chronically ill family members and neighbors regularly to see how they are faring.

Home remedies can often be a good first line of defense against winter illnesses. Read about my favorite home remedies here.
I hope you all stay healthy and don’t have to rely on this information, but you’ll feel better if you are prepared.