Foil dinners can be so much more than just hamburger, potatoes and carrots. But that’s what we tend to stick with because it’s not-so-bad if they get a little over cooked.
It’s not easy to cook a tasty foil dinner. They tend to over cook or cook unevenly OR they do not withstand getting turned around too often–the foil tears and the packet falls apart. If you use my Triple Layer Wrap method it will not only solve all those problems, but it opens up whole new possibilities to what you can cook over the campfire.
Wrapping Instructions:
Lay a section of heavy-duty aluminum foil on your prep surface. Soak several paper towels in water and lightly wring out (you want it wet, but not dripping wet.) Put the paper towels on top of the heavy-duty foil so that it covers the foil
and is two towels thick. This acts as an insulating cushion that distributes the heat more evenly. Now put a second layer of aluminum foil on top of the paper towels. This can be regular foil, not heavy-duty. That’s because it’s on the inside, so you don’t need to worry about it tearing. Put food onto this top foil layer, bring up

sides and crimp them together. Roll up ends and crimp them as well, so that all the seams are sealed. Fold the paper towels over so that this first (inner) packet is all wrapped up like a burrito. Then brings sides of outer layer (heavy-duty foil) together and fold together. Roll up ends and pinch, making sure all the seams are pinch-sealed.
Place in coals and cover with coals. Turn at least once or twice during cooking time.
Now that you have a fool-proof way to cook foil dinners, don’t just do the everyday hamburger-potato-carrots dinner. Think gourmet. These two recipes were a huge hit when my son took them to scout camp.
Herbed Chicken
1 frozen chicken breast
1 carrot, peeled, sliced
½ C red, orange, yellow or green pepper, cut into 1” cubes
¼ C coarsely chopped onion
Sprinkle of garlic powder, salt and pepper
1 tsp dried (or 1 Tbsp fresh) parsley
¼ tsp ground dried rosemary
¼ C cream of chicken soup

Put frozen chicken breast onto foil, top with vegetables. Top vegetables with cream soup and add seasoning. Wrap in foil, following general instructions. Cook 30-45 minutes or until chicken is cooked thoroughly.
Cheesy Potatoes
1 large potato, cut into ½” cubes (about 2 cups)
½ C grated cheddar cheese
¼ C cream cheese
2 Tbsp cream of mushroom or chicken soup
salt and pepper to taste
1 slice bacon, cut into 4-5 pieces
Rinse and drain cubed potatoes. Put potatoes onto foil. Top with cheeses and soup. Add bacon and seasoning. Wrap in foil, following general instructions. Cook 25-40 minutes or until potatoes are tender.