Brassicas: A garden staple

What’s a brassica? You’ve heard me talk about brassicas, so maybe you’re wondering what on earth is a brassica? Well, brassicas are a family of plants that are known for being cold-hardy and high in nutrition. They are also known as cruciferous plants. That’s because when they first sprout, their first two leaves (called cotyledons…

Recipe: Three Collard Recipes

No garden should be without kale and collards. These easy-to-grow green leafy vegetables are both from the Brassica family (which includes cabbage, kohlrabi, Brussel sprouts and broccoli.) What makes these so great? Well, first of, they are packed with nutrition. Studies show that they may prevent several kinds of cancer. And they taste good! These…

Wonderful, Tasty Kale

Kale and collards are leafy greens in the brassica family (which also includes things like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussel sprouts.) I use them interchangeably because there is very little difference in flavor between the two. In the picture below, collards are labeled “dinosaur kale.” The main difference between the two is kale is smaller and…