Spring is Coming

[My son says that fans of Game of Thrones will appreciate the title of this post. He said it should include a picture of Sean Bean sitting on a throne but since I’m constrained by copyright laws, you’ll just have to imagine it.] Spring is coming It may not look like it, but spring really…

Spring is at the front door!

How many seed catalogs… …have come to your front door? So far I’ve gotten 30 catalogs, with new ones coming in every week. I’ll probably still order from my favorites, but there are a couple new ones that have caught my eye. I think I may try a couple seed varieties from them. In another six weeks…

31 and Counting…

That’s how many seed catalogs I’ve gotten so far. And more coming every day! Some I don’t even bother with. Their prices are so-so, quality is about what you can get in the big box stores in town and some of these catalogs are so sterile—the pictures just do not inspire you to garden. Want…