Organizing Seeds

Organizing my seeds Well, I finally did it. I finally organized my seeds. Well, actually, I’ve had them organized for several years, but over time my filing system has become inadequate and my seed box has been a jumbled mess for a couple years. So I needed to clean it up and make it work…

All Seeds are not Created Equal

There really is a difference between seed companies and this picture shows what quality seed looks like. The beet seeds on the left came from an organic heirloom seed company and the seeds on the right are beet seeds that I bought at a local big-box hardware store. See how much plumper the seeds on…

Start Seeds Indoors

I know, I know. You are itching to start gardening but warm weather is still weeks away. That’s OK–it’s almost time to start your seedlings indoors. Starting your garden plants from seeds gives you a greater variety of plants and it’s a great way to satisfy those gardening urges. Tomatoes Tomatoes are at the top…

A Great Source of Seeds

A stroke of luck I am so excited to tell you about a new source of seeds that I just discovered. It was almost by accident that I ran into one of the owners of Prairie Road Organic Seed today. I was traveling home from two days in Bismarck and Dickinson and decided to check on some…

Are You Buying Good Seeds?

Living a provident lifestyle is more than just frugal or self-reliant living. It also means cultivating a connection to your community and making economic choices based on your morality. Our food choices are  just one area that reflect our morality and community values. So much of our food supply is charged and impacted by politics…