How Much Should I Plant?

How much do I need to plant? This is the question of the year, isn’t it? Growing your own food is a key component of any good preparedness plan. Even if you aren’t worried about food shortages or end of days prepping, there are still plenty of good reasons to grow as much of your…

What is Provident Living, really?

Rethinking Provident Living On June 5th of this year (2023) our lives were upended when my husband, Ross, was in a serious car accident. He was T-boned by a Cadillac and his Honda Civic was no match. The impact broke most of his pelvic bones (The surgeon recently told him “You smoked your pelvis.”) as…

Raising Chickens

[Part One of a three-part series. In this first installment I’ll help you decide if raising chickens is right for you and what breeds you might want to get.] Even though I’ve had chickens for eight years, I’ve never really pushed the idea of raising chickens as a part of prepping or self-reliance. Until now.…