Emergency Preparedness

Five Steps to a Neigborhood Plan
Planning is Important During an emergency, your first priority is to ensure the safety of your family and your ability to weather the storm. That is why every emergency plan starts with your family plan: what emergencies you want to prepare for and how you will respond to each. But there is a second priority…

First 10 Steps to Preparedness
Do you think getting prepared is too hard? Are you overwhelmed by the thought of monthly goals? Then start here with these ten easy steps and you will be well on your way to preparedness in just a few months. One: Assemble a 72-hour kit This is the best place to start. Assemble a kit…

New Videos to Get You Started
Reading isn’t for everyone. Sometimes you’re on the go and would like to listen to something in the car. Or you do better with visual information. You’re in luck! I’ve just finished recording to videos on the first steps to getting prepared. These videos are based on a couple webinars that I recently did for…

Is It Too Late?
The end is near. It’s all downhill. It’s SHTF time. Time to kiss civilization good-bye! Just watch the news. News stories of political and social unrest, financial uncertainty, weather and climate disasters and an on-going pandemic. It’s no wonder that many people are panicking (or near panic.) It really does look like The End is…

Are you ready to bug out?
Natural or man-made disasters will strike without warning. The first three minutes after the disaster are the most crucial. This is when you will be glad if you have a Bug Out Bag (BOB) for each family member. What’s a BOB? A BOB is a small kit with the things you will need in the…

Generators Part Three: The Rules of Running a Generator
Now let’s discuss the rules for running a generator. If you’re not sure you need a generator, read Part One. Don’t know what generator to buy? Read Part Two. If you have a generator, read this BEFORE you need to use it. Rule Number One: Be ready now. Get your generator now. Don’t wait until…

Generators Part Two: Which Generator to Buy
So you read Part One and decided that a generator should be part of your preparedness plans. Now you need to ask: Which generator should I buy? Basically there are three types of generators: 1. A camp generator. These are the smallest and the cheapest, and they run on gasoline. They will not provide enough…

Generators Part One: Do you really need a generator?
Do you really need a generator? We often talk about the need for heat and light during an outage. This is especially important if the outage occurs during the winter, when going without heat could be dangerous. It seems like a generator would be the natural answer to this kind of emergency, right? But a…

Building Your Family’s 72 Hour Kits
From FEMA to Red Cross to prepper sites across the internet, everyone agrees: the first thing you should do to be prepared for an emergency it to have a 72-hour kit (and a bug-out-bag) for each family member. Now you can go all out and buy a ready-made kit from any number of on-line sites,…

Water Storage, Part 1
Wondering how to store water for an emergency? This information will help you choose the best way store water for your family. Note: These are all 2017 prices and may change because of inflation, availability and change in manufacturing. The prices are just here to help in comparing and deciding what you want. Two types…

Water Storage Part 2: Filters
There are two types of water emergencies: Lack of water and compromised water. In Part 1, we covered how to store water in cases where there is a water shortage. Here we will cover what to do in case your water safety is compromised. A break in the water pipes that allows dirt to get…

Need Help With Preparedness? There’s an App for That.
There are apps and websites for just about anything you can imagine and the same is true for Preparedness. Here is just a sampling of the many apps and websites that can help you be better prepared: From FEMA The Emergency Prep app from FEMA alerts you to natural disasters and tells you where nearby shelters and other services…