I’ve been using this mix for decades
I can’t believe I’m just now getting around to posting this Master Mix. This is a mix that I’ve been using for 30 years and I think that it’s the best mix you can find. Developed by food scientists at Purdue University, you can use it to make over 20 varieties of baked goods, from pancakes and biscuits to cookies and cakes.
Make up a big batch of this mix and meal-making will be a breeze. Use the mix to make dumplings for your stew or add a crunchy crust on your casserole. Use it to make biscuits or cheese balls for your meal. Make coffee cake for breakfast, orange raisin cookies for after-school snacks and apple cake for dinner.
Like Bisquick only better
The cost for the Master Mix is about 1/2 the cost of Bisquick mix from the store. But this is better.
First: No preservatives or fake, chemically fats.
Second: Less sugar.
Third: You can use whole wheat flour in this mix. If you use whole wheat flour from your food storage for some or all of the flour the recipe calls for, it’ll be even more economical AND more nutritious.
I hope you get a lot of good use from this Master Mix.