Use Up Those Peppers

Safety note: Whenever handling hot peppers, always wear disposable plastic gloves. Always. And wash hands thoroughly with soap and hot water after taking the gloves off.  Every year I plant peppers. A lot of peppers. At least six varieties of peppers, two to four plants of each variety. This year it’s Jalapeno and Serrano (for…

Starting Your Garden: Hardening Off

So you’ve started your plants from seed and now they’re almost ready to transplant your garden. That means it’s time for hardening off. When your plants were seedlings, little babies with just two seedling leaves, all they needed was lots of light. Then they became little toddler plants with their first true leaves. You could…

Garden Videos

New to gardening? I made this video just for you. It covers all the basic topics to get you off to a great start. With the information in these videos you will soon be able to feed your family for the entire year with the produce from your garden. If you’re short on time There’s…